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For friends & neighbors

Home as a guest We are always happy when friends, acquaintances and neighbors stop by for a few idle hours at the Sonnhof. A good part of our hotel offer is therefore tailored to the needs of day guests. Whether breakfast, a smart snack with friends, a relaxing time-out in the COCOON SPA, culinary flying visits or festive occasions – the possibilities are practically endless.

Sonnhof candy
The gourmet festival

Our ultimate tip for gourmets and those who want to become one: Share 12 dishes as a table community within the framework of a tasting menu and enjoy Austrian haute cuisine in an unorthodox culinary jam session. Our stars in the kitchen will serve you their best of personally and sometimes even prepare them live at the table. Accompanied by wonderful wine from the Austrian winemaking elite. At a glance: 

  • 12 dishes served in several courses
  • incl. wine accompaniment
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A portion of Austria please!

Pancake orgy We offer this Sonnhof Special to all those who are in the mood for a special kind of snack highlight in the afternoon.  

  • fresh mini pancakes
  • curd cream. marielle jam, nutella
  • fresh fruit
  • whipped cream, powdered sugar
  • as desired: vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice cream
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